Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rain, Pappa's Meatballs, and the broken desk

So, it's raining. Has been all weekend. That's completely ok with me!!! I love this kind of weather. It makes me all relaxed and calm. Not sure why, it just does. It also makes me want to cook and bake. Baking is out of the question cuz my oven is broken, but... I'm gonna cook! Caleb and I are breaking out a family favorite. Papa's Meatballs and Sauce!
Anyone that knows me knows that my father was my culinary inspiration. He started the whole thing! My best memories are all food related....hence my big rear end....LOL! One day I will post the essay I wrote in Culinary school about it. For now lets just say... Dad was it!!! He was the man when it came to food in my life. He wasn't a professional chef or anything, but boy could the man cook. He spent his last few years doing just that. And he couldn't have been happier. My family never had alot. We were, what you might say, functionally poor. But we always had great food. Daddy baked bread, and made sourdough pancakes, and homemade manacotti. He grew fresh veg in his various gardens and momma canned it all into salsa, jam, pickles and sour kraut. point is actually that today Caleb and I are going to make Pappa's Meatballs. Pappa being what his grandkids all called him. He taught me meatballs. It was one of my favorite things to do with him and now it is one of my favorite things to do with Caleb. Not only are they the best meatballs you will ever eat they warm my heart every time I make them. And on this cool rainy day....we all need some warming up. I sure miss my daddy!, today is also cleaning day. I decided to get the kids into their collective rooms and gut them out and get them cleaned up. So, Caleb was in his room and I hear a crash and him yelp. His desk collapsed on him! UGH!!! Funny...but UGH!!! So now we are working on that problem. Mark is off to Lowe's to get some nails to put the desk back together with. And I'm about to start the meatballs. Kids are all cleaning and it's still raining. Gotta love it! I do!
More later, gaters. Kristen.

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